Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Night Blues

There is a pain in my heart and its because I miss this man.
I am still hashing through the anger of it all.
I don't want to be mad. And I don't want to be sad.
I just want you back.


Stephanie said...

Hi- I just found your blog through Kelly's Korner McLinky :) How random! I love your page and I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :(

I hope you have a great day!

ashmhendrix said...

love you. I don't know the pain, but I know what it's like to lose a papaw too. it's not fun. but we'll get to see them again :)

BB said...

I understand your pain because I, too, have pain in my heart because I miss this man. I, too, am still hashing through the anger of it all. I'm still mad; I'm still sad. Our lives will never be the same. But one day, when we see him again, he will explain his pain. Love you dearly, Aunt Bettie

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Terri said...

I too understand your pain and loss of this man. I know that one day we will see him again and he will help us to understand why. I'm sorry that your wedding wasn't as perfect as it could have been, but he was there in spirit! I love you Whitney! I know we will always have our memories and they are funny, good, sad, and mostly full of love.
With my heart full of love for you and Nathan,
Aunt Terri