Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome to the world of blogging!

So I was always reading other people's blogs and I decided that I would finally start my own and join the blogging craze. An update on this summer so far... I have fallen in love with 30+ girls and can't stand the thought of leaving in the summer. Some days I can't get enough of my job and some days I wonder what God was thinking when choosing me to be in this position. Its so hard and demanding but oh so rewarding at the same time. My girls some how know exactly when I need a hug and when I need to laugh and when I need to be serious. They are so smart and precious. Ok Ok I'll stop...I feel like a proud parent going on and on.

As for the relationship, it has been a very challenging and different time for me and Nathan. We have had to learn to appreciate phone conversations and phone service for that matter. We only see each other about once a month (twice in a good month) and we love that time together. And even more exciting is the fact that we will celebrate 2 YEARS in August. With two years of dating comes lots of big questions and landmarks...Nate will be buying a new car within the month we hope (if i knew how to speak spanish i would say "audious" to the jeep.) Also Nathan graduates in May and that poses a whole new set of questions about the future. But we will get to those in another blog!

So I think this concludes my first real blog. I feel modern and adult-like now that I have blogged! Whoop Whoop!

Until next time...