Sunday, September 21, 2008


So I am doing this Bible study...A Call to Die by David Nasser. WOW! Thats all that I can say about it. It is amazing. In todays study we were to read out of Hebrews 11. This was all about faith. The author listed people after people who all had different outcomes because of their faith. Some we would say are good outcomes and some not so pleasant. But nevertheless, they all resulted in eternal life. How much better can you get. All he asks us to do it just believe and thats it. Now I understand that with believing come suffering and discipline (Hewbrews 12 discusses this-also a muct read!) but when looking at the big picture, IT IS TOTALLY worth it. Jesus had faith in the fact his suffering would bring us salvation and He swallowed that. Today I think that when we hear suffering we dont even want to smell it. C'mon Christians. (I am speaking to myself here.) He died for us. We havent even tasted death and we are scared.

OK soapbox over.

Hebrews 11= a must read!


ashmhendrix said...

I got a blog too! However, I don't really know how to use it just yet!
haha! love you.
Hebrews 11 is wonderful! Oh, their!