Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I deserve...

A mighty slap to the wrist. It has been exactly one month since I have written. Shame on me. I try so hard to be good at this thing but then life comes in and sweeps me right away and the world of blogging takes a back seat to.....

1. School- I have more projects then I can count. And I have come to the conclusion all that the professors meet once a month and schedule a day to give test because they all just happen to be given on the same flippen day! Gross, just gross.

2. Practicum- This is the best although it just adds more to my already jam packed schedule. I get to go to the elementary school in Starkvegas and work with about 9 autistic 5 and 6 year olds. And let me just say that they are precious. My world could be crashing down around me and then I walk in and they run and give me a hug and some how they bandage all my invisible boo-boos. Could life get any better than some kids who don't care about my faults love on me. Sometimes I think that I have been put on this earth to love on those with special needs but my bubble gets bursted and I think it may actually be the other way around. I am the one who needs the lovin' on.

3. Church- although I may not be his wife ( yet, smiling) I have been helping Nate with his church duties every Wednesday and some Sundays. There is something so special about working right alongside with the person you are in love with doing God's work together. Man, it couldn't get better. The kids are great and just want to be loved. But then again, who doesn't. The most exciting thing that we have done is we have started a once a month "Battle Royal: Adam vs Eve." The kids seem to l0ve this. Since it is impossible for us to have a weekly bible study we take one Wednesday out of every month and we worship and play games as a group and then we split up and I take the girlies and Nater takes the fellas and we hit the word. We get a rare opportunity to dive into specific gender related topics. So far we have talked about biblical womanhood and the fruit of the spirit. Wonderful.

So all of that to say that I am so blessed. I have seen the rocks of the valley this year but God has held my hand and has brought me out to stand on the mountain. I am so busy but you know, I don't think that I would want it any other way. I love my major and the people that I am meeting. God is good. End of story. Good friends, good family, good love= GOOD GOD! Period.