Sunday, November 23, 2008


ok so I am doing school work with the tv on. thats when the most rediculous commercial came on. it was the regular commercial that we have all see atlease a million kagrillion know, the one about you better upgrade your tv or you are out of luck when february comes. well it was that commercial but i didnt know that by what they were saying. No I had to look at the screen and see february (written in spanish) and 2009. thats how I knew.

that brings me to the point of this post.

to all you mexicans: we welcome you. we really do. i mean i would not know where i would be without all those times that your mexican food has comforted me. and oh taco bell. you are grand. but c'mon.

if you are going to live here-learn some friggin english. This is america and i think that its only right that we get to watch tv (commercials and all) in our own language.

i feel better now.


ashmhendrix said...

hahahahahahahaha. this is just one of the reasons why we're best friends. i love you.