Friday, May 1, 2009

Just The Two Of Us

So I am finished with my junior year of college. I am officially a senior in college and honestly that sounds a little ridiculous to day. A senior? In college?

Not me. I am not ready for this. I am not mature enough for this. I don't have enough faith for this. I am just a little scared terrified. I can't do this. But then again when I look back to this time and this time I am reminded that I was just as terrified then.

But I have this God. And He was with me the whole way. I can remember times this year when I was on the kitchen floor with my head between my knees bawling my eyes out wondering if anyone out there cared about me. And if no one else did, He did. And He cared enough to let me feel His precious, warm, loving arms around me.

There were times that I thought that He was nowhere to be found and yet He loved me enough to show me His face when I doubted His existence. So as I look back to August I know that I don't deserve to be here today, alive and thriving. What a mighty God we serve.



ashmhendrix said...

I love you, and I love your blog! :) I can't believe, even still, that God chose so graciously to give me a best friend as wonderful as you!! I love you Whit! And like the song says, You got me and Jesus.
loooove you!

Rachel said...

Congrats Whit on finishing another year!