The Good Lord knew just what I needed to hear. He has been trying to get through to me for some time now but I have been ignorant and have been choosing not to listen. I heard, but I did not listen.
There is a difference.
So He went another route and used someone else to speak His message to me.
Bro. E preached for about 20 minutes and I listened. But it didn't sink in until the end when he used a particular description. This is how it went. Minus some of the better details because I just can't remember them.
There were people in another land who lived in little huts. They lived about 7-8 people per hut so there wasn't a lot of room for privacy. And private meetings with the Lord is something He requires.
So these people would go out into the woods as a group and then disperse from each other to meet with the Lord. Some would go behind trees. Some behind bushes. Some just simply away from the others. And then they would come back together. They would talk about their prayer request and they would say-
We should pray for (insert name.) For their path has grown up.
Stop right there. Can you imagine? We should pray for them, for their path has grown up.
What if we had paths that people could see? What if they could tell whether we were or were not taking out time from our day to meet with the Lord? Really and truly meet with him.
Actually, I'm kindof glad we don't. Frankly, I would be embarrassed. And ashamed. People count on me to pray for them and I let it slip past me.
For my own path has grown up. My room is vacant. And each day that goes by without fervent prayer to the Lord is a wasted day.
So what about your path. How does it look today? Is is worn down from feet that are diligent and worthy of a time of communication with the Lord? Or is it like mine? Full of brush, thorns and weeds-that look so misleading. Thicket that is quietly saying that its too much for me to trample. To wide to get through. To dangerous to trod.
What does your path look like?