Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Names

Not that there is any reason for me to be thinking of baby names...because there isn't. But it is awful fun to think of what I will actually name my son or daughter if/when God does decide to bless us.

I have been doing a lot of Baby Name thinking here lately, definately not because I want a baby. No thats not it. OK there may be a smidge of baby fever going on here at 205 Love Lane but thats beside the point.

This post is totally for my use only, like I said when that day comes.



So for my own purpose I would like to list a list of possible baby names. Mr. Russell would appreciate you listening because he is so tired of me spouting off random name ideas all day and night.

So here goes.

1. Camden Paul
2. Camille Something
3. Lena Elaine
4. Macy Kate
5. Collier Pete
6. Renden May
7. Claude Something
8. Caleb Something
9. Sara Something
Ahhh I feel much better. Now then, we won't do this again until next week. :) I'll be missing you.


CaseyLayne said...

2 comments in the same day may be a little much, but I could so relate to both of these posts that I just couldn't resist. I am not even married yet, and I know that I present Daniel with at least one new baby name every time we communicate with each other, so I feel the need to share mine as well. If you use them I will have to hurt you.(they're very different so you may hate them anyway)

Ridge something Peeples
James Brody Peeples
Preston Drake Peeples
Lorelai Maclayne Peeples

That does seem to make me feel better to share them.