Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl

I don't like football. Mostly because I don't understand it, but there is something that I don't find amusing about grown men chasing each other with a leather ball.

So I took the liberty of making myself enjoy this super bowl by imagining myself at it. I got on the anthropology website and imagined myself shopping for clothes to wear to the big game if I were going. Not that I would ever go. I can't afford to shell out the kind of dough that it takes to go to the game. Nor can I afford the clothes at this wonderful store. But every girl can dream right!

Green Bay Packers
I would wear this canary yellow sweater anytime. How darling, right!
Green skinny trousers are just the right touch to cheer on those cheeseheads. 
 I am a freak for scarves. In my mind, everyday should be a scarf day. 

For $388 I would get these. (In my dreams.)

Or these. I just couldn't decide. 

Every girl needs a some bling and I thought that this was the
 perfect compliment to my green and yellow giddy-up. 

Lastly, I am a big bag kind of girl. I think that this purse would be ideal
to toss all sorts of memorabilia in on the day of the game. 

Pittsburgh Steelers 

This crimson shirt makes me melt. I love the way it hangs. 
The way it is cut. The way it make me feel. It really turns me on. 
(Michael Jackson anyone? Anyone? No...ok.)

Layering this bad boy on top does the trick to cover up from the 
freezing cold. 

 I would teach in, preach in, and anything else in those adorable trouser jeans
They have my heart. 

Lovely. Nuff said.  

To cover my tootsies I choose these sassy things. That bow. 
Be still my beating heart. 

 I really think that this could go with either outfit. 
That's the good thing about it. I like versatility. 

On a smaller note, I would carry this. Lip gloss, cell phone, 
and keys. The less there is to carry the less there is to lose. 

So this year instead of rooting for either team, I am rooting for the fashion. This way, everyone wins. 


Shauna said...

I LOVE your outfits! So cute!! How fun it is to dream! It makes me smile that you picked an outfit for both teams.