Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Engagement Pictures!

Here are some new pictues that are turning up from the exciting night.

I am opening the Bible that he gave me.

This is when is proposed to me. Notice the reaction. It was amazing.

I got a basket of gifts and there was a toy veil in it. I just had to put it on. Can you tell I was a very excited girl?

We are so blessed to have each other.

Lord, thank you for seeing us fit enough to take care of something as special as each other. Let us serve you with our minisrty and our lives.


Claire said...

Whit, this is so precious! I'm so happy for you!! Love!

ashmhendrix said...

i love, love, love them!!!! =)but I love you MORE!!! MISS YOU!!

love your MOH!

Lauren said...

The pictures are precious! Congrats girl!