Tuesday, March 22, 2011

9 Weeks

I am 9 weeks today! I loved how Kelly from Kelly's Korner kept up with her pregnancy progress and I knew that I would use the same thing when we got pregnant. Pictures probably won't start until 10 or 11 weeks though. I just don't want to forget a thing about this miracle! 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 9 weeks
Size of baby: Baby Russell is the size of a large grape
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 1 pound ( I can thank morning sickness for this)
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I am sure close! 
Gender: Too soon to tell! 
Movement: None yet. But absolutely can't wait. 
What I miss: Enjoying food. I have been so sick at my stomach that I haven't 
enjoyed a meal in a long time. 
Cravings: I haven't craved really anything constantly. Maybe chocolate-no...that always
been a craving for me:)
Symptoms: Terrible morning sickness and a few other things that aren't blog worthy. 
Best Moment this week: Having the ultrasound and seeing our sweet baby.
Hearing the heart beat was extravagant. 

Today we had our second OB appointment and it was probably the most meaningful thing that I have ever experienced. N and I got to see the baby and hear its heart beat for the 1st time. Baby's heart rate was a steady 156. Not only was hearing it cool, but seeing it...wow. Tears rushed my eyes as I stared at my child's heart pump blood through its tiny body. I am just in awe of how tedious God is, and how big of a miracle this is. How could anyone not believe after experiencing this! 

After the ultrasound the doctor saw me and N and calmed my nerves about a lot of things that I had concerns about. I just adore him-which makes this even better. Blood work was also scheduled for this appointment and I have to say that I was a champ. Blood work and me are bitter enemies (one in which I have no intentions of making amends with) but I showed that needle who was boss. Either that or I was still on cloud 9 from seeing my baby. Oh whats that? You want to see it too? ok! 


 This one is my favorite! I know baby still has a lot of changing to do but oh, to get this 
glimpse at it's tiny face. My heart aches with love. 

This part is really cool. The ultrasound tech was adorably sweet and flipped the machine into 4D! 
As soon as she did we saw the leg kick! Oh my. 
In this picture the baby is on its side with its face curled down. The head is at the top and
the legs are at the bottom. Its arms are curled around itself. 
I think s/he is just preparing itself to be in this position in many a grandmother's arms!
(And maybe a mama's too!)

So thats our baby! We are blessed beyond words and are in awe of what the Lord is doing! 


Nicole said...

Just can't get over that "little" baby. God is so intricate!