Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I recently realized that I have not been blogging about a huge part of my family. That stops today. Because they have so much to {say!}

Today is Belle’s turn!


Ruff! I am Belle and I told my mom, rather begged her to let me share with you guys! Let me tell you a little about me.

I love to eat. Actually, love is an understatement. If eating could earn me a golden seat in doggie heaven, I would have a gold plated mansion.

Can I have a treat?

I also like to lay around. My mom says I am fat, but I say I am padded perfectly.

My favorite person is my dad. He rubs my belly and talks to me in crazy voices and even scratches my butt. (That’s my favorite!)

Uhhhhh, I think its time for a treat!

Speaking of talking in crazy voices, these people who I call owners talk for me all the time. Will someone please tell them that what they think I am thinking isn’t at all right! Geez…all I ever think about is food and laying down. What about that needs to be communicated?!

Treat. Treat. TREAT!

My favorite part of every day is night time because I get a bone. I usually eat it in one seating. But that dang poodle that mom just had to have always bothers me. I growl and show my (lack of) front teeth and he stays just far enough away that I can eat it peacefully.

Something I hate is rain. I love to swim but I am terrified of storms. My mom calls me a titty baby but look at my delicate self people! One gust of wind and I will be blown away! We can’t have that.

The other day I was left inside because it was raining and mom and dad had to run to town. I decided that I would tell them what I think about that!

So I chewed up the blinds and ripped off part of the window seal. Yep. That will show them.

I was wrong. When they got home, Dad was mad! So mad that I got a whooping. (It didn’t hurt though. But I would never tell him.)

Is it time for a treat yeeeeeet? This story is hard to tell…I need some sympathy food.

After Dad finished saying what he said (I didn’t understand much…the steam coming out of his ears was pretty distracting) I hid. Mainly to make myself look pitiful.

How do you think I did?

2011-07-04 20.02.06

Good, right!

Well Mom just rattled my food bowl so I am going to go see if anything showed up in it. If not, well I guess I will lick my butt. I mean, ummmm, I will go clean myself as every lady does!

Until next time humans.

Mom, can I have a treat NOW?