Sunday, July 3, 2011

23 Weeks

I am 23 weeks this week.

Only 17 more to go!

23 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 23 weeks

Size of baby: Baby Russell is the size of a large mango. He is also about 11 inches long and should be weighing in over a pound.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained probably about 10 pounds so far. I am starting to feel heavier these day.

Maternity Clothes: Yes please. All pants are maternity and the majority of shirts I wear are too. Its all just too comfy to wear anything else.

Gender: It’s a boy!

Movement: Holy Moly Yes! Little Man moves like crazy all during the day but at night my insides become a wrestling ring and he morphs into some form of Hulk Hogan. (Lets hope this Hulk Hogan thing ends at birth…I don’t want a son like him!)

What I miss: I miss lifting things. I never realized how much lifting I actually do during the day…laundry, vacuum, pups! If I forget and try to lift something my body quickly reminds me to put it down!

Cravings: Steak Escape, bread, and water.

Symptoms: The giggles. I have mentioned them before but I am not kidding…I laugh at just about anything these days and I absolutely can not stop. 

Best Moment this week: Buying all the fabric to make baby boy’s bedding. Mom, my grandmother, and I are making a quilt and it is going to be adorable. I am hoping this will be a tradition for all the grandbabies.

Hello you little mover and shaker,

You are on the go all day long in your little habitat these days. I find myself wondering if that means that  you are going to be very active. I also find myself dreaming all day about what you look like. I have no choice but to be patient and wait 17 more weeks, but I am dying to get my hands on you, stare at your sweet face, and kiss your handsome cheeks. I am still hoping you look like your daddy. Also, you went to your first Boston Red Sox game this weekend. I say first because I know that your daddy will want to take you when you are older to see them for yourself. Oh the fun that is to be had. Stay snug as a bug-

Loving all of your sweet moving,



Lauren said...

So sweet! You always look so cute in your pictures!

Nicole said...

You have to be one of the cutest pregnant ladies out there! You'll have to share about your babymoon! I know you took along that precious camera!