Wednesday, October 3, 2012

11 Months

It has been what seems like forever since I have posted a blog. I guess life decided for me that I needed a break after posting about the accident. First my DSLR camera broke. That meant no pictures of Camden for a little while-besides iPhone pictures. Then our internet went out. I borrowed my mom's camera to take Camden's pictures and it erased them all. I just haven't had good luck when it comes to blogging.

But alas- I am back. I am come bearing pictures of my boy. I wouldn't take no for an answer and I have risen above blogging fate. Take that blogger.

Camden is 11 months old. It is so hard for me to type that. What is even harder is knowing that I am planning his first birthday. It was just yesterday that we were having him.

Camden, let me tell you a little about yourself at 11 months old. This is by far my favorite age although you have been a hoot your whole little life. You are all boy. When I say all boy I mean it. Just take a look.

You love to eat dirt. Seriously. I did too when I was little so I will claim this one. If you can make a mess you will. So far I have caught you eating dog food, playing in the toilet, playing with your own poop, standing in the dog water, and rubbing your food covered hands on my walls. You love messes. I am fearful for the future. The bigger you get-the bigger the mess. Lord, help us all.

You love to be outside. If you are outside you are a happy happy boy. You weened yourself off of formula. One day you began rejecting it and you haven't looked back since. You are also on all finger foods. You said goodbye to baby food a long time ago. You love Cheeto-Puffs, ravioli, butter cookies, fruit, and cheese. You love to eat in general. You think that if someone has food you need to have some too.

You are in size 3 diapers and size 12 month clothes. You wear a size 4 shoe because your feet are huge! You love to sing into microphones and read books. You also love to dance. Bless your heart sweet boy- you got your mama's skills (or lack there of) so it isn't good dancing, but boy do you try.

In the last few days you have begun to walk. You don't walk exclusively but you are getting better each and every day. Your favorite person is your Papa J but next in line is your Daddy. You call him Boppa. If you could be outside with a ball and your daddy every second of the day, you would die of pure happiness.

Little one, I can't imagine my life without you. You are the light of my life and the joy in my heart. I will save the sap for your 1 year post because I am pregnant and am extra sappy.

I love you bubs.