Sunday, October 26, 2008


On days like today, I just sit back and I think about how lucky I am. I spent the whole weekend with Nate and his family and I'm not blessed just because of that but I am reminded how lucky I am.

Good ole Nate... I think I have laughed the whole day today. And let me just set the mood right for you to understand where I am coming from on this one.

Close your eyes and picture this...ok well you can't close your eyes but you get the drift.

Its a breezy, crisp October and not a cloud in the sky. I am looking cute (that always makes any girls day are lying if you say it doesn't) and he is just him. No other explaination needed. We go eat at the mexican resturaunt and there is a buffet! Score! So we eat and then we go on to the mall to kill some time. We wonder into Barnes and Noble and we head straight to the Christian section.
*How lucky am I to have a guy who goes to the Christian section first. Score!

Continuing on....we meander the books and when we dont find anything that we absoutly have to have we go into the mall. I think that this is one of our favorite things to do because we get to people watch and just interact together. We at least its one of my favorite things. So we stroll and talk and stroll and talk.
*Once again, how lucky am I to have a guy who will put up with me stopping and staring at every jewelry store we come to. Score!

Ok so thats enough of our boring day but I will say that I am sitting in his office at church (can you believe he has his own office) and I am just blessed. I am the girlfriend of a boy who loves the Lord more than life itself and who treats me like a princess.

A beautiful day and a beautiful love...the love between God and man and man and woman.
