Sunday, December 7, 2008

How or Why?

So tonight at church our pastor talked about Christmas. Of course, he did. That is the topic of all sermons this time of year and let me set the record straight...I do love those sermons.

Tonight he was talking about the wise men and how they followed the star to baby Jesus. I had heard before that the star moved as they traveled and he also stated the many scientific cases that say that it was a comet, or some sort of constellation or something of that sort. But nonetheless, it moved.

Well this got me to thinking.

It bothers me that we always have to prove everything. People refuse to believe in God unless they have proof that He is real.

I think that that defeats the purpose of faith. We can't prove that God exists, not scientifically at least, but its our duty to prove it with our lives.

Anyways, I think that if and when we decide to stop trying to explain HOW the star moved, and instead start telling WHY it moved, then we would be making an accomplishment.

Science stays on Earth, my friends. We won't need it when we get to heaven. So stop trying to prove what our human pea-brain minds cannot comprehend. And just accept it for what it is...

an unexplainably beautiful mystery.


ashmhendrix said...

Amen. Amen. Amen...I couldn't have said it better myself. :)