Tuesday, December 2, 2008

procrastination and bad luck meet...

And the Devil laughed.

Yes thats right. Let me explain...

The past week I went to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. With tons of school work on my mind I was prepared to kick its butt and get it all done.

Well once we were there and settled I went to the car to get my backpack. Once inside I was ready to hit the books. There was just one problem...

I forgot the notebook with all of my stuff at home. Oh yes. I did.

So I tried to get in touch with someone while I had internet to email me some stuff so that I could get some things done. NOPE. Everyone else was out of town.

And the devil laughed.

And then I thought...well I have to get a movie analysis done. I will just go get the movieat the store and watch it. What an amazing plan. I mean, what else am I going to do other than watch a movie. So I tried to recall some of the movies that were on the list. I could only remember 3.

The Titanic. Gone With The Wind. Wizard of Oz.

Two I have seen. One I have not. So I wanted to watch gone with the wind. Only NOONE carries that movie in stores. And when I say noone I mean noone. So I went to Wal-Mart and saw the Green Mile. "Hey, thats on the list," I told myself. So for $9 I bought it and watched it. And I loved it.

When I got home and ready to write I looked over my list just to make sure that The Green Mile was on there. Wwll it wasn't.

Again, the devil chuckled. And I cried.

This is my last week of school and if it wasn't I dont think that I would have made it through Satan's diabolical plan to bring me down.

Go on Satan. You aren't going to get me down. I may stumble but I will get back up.


ashmhendrix said...

One week.
You got this!
love you mucho!!