Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In honor of...


So today is my 21st birthday and I decided that I will list the 21 greatest things that have happened to me in my life and some of the things that I remember the most. In no particular order...

1. I am saved and love the Lord with all of my heart. Of everything that has happened to me...this is the all time most important.

2. I love chocolate. This is the cause of all of my weight fluctuations.

3. Joe Blow the Rag dad's most favorite thing to say. I can't wait to be a mom and teach this phrase to my kiddos so they can hate it as much as me.

4. I am finally out of that stage in which my mom is the most uncool person in the world and she is now my best friend and role model. Thanks mom for sticking around all those years and being a good role model to me when I didnt even deserve the food you put on the table for me.

5. Sweet tea, m&m's, and bread....give me one of these three and you've got a happy girl.

6. The Lord has blessed me with the man of my dreams.

7. When I was 5 I had my appendix taken out. Oooh memories.

8. I got a really bad spankin' when I was in 6th grade for forging my momma signature. Lets just say that that was the first and last time I ever tried that.

9. I loooove Christmas. Its my favorite.

10. I write color guard half time shows and I love it.

11. I was horrible in high school. But I thinks it is so interesting to look back on now and God has used everything that I went through to minister to young girls. So interesting to see how He works.

12. I played with baby dolls until I was in 8th grade. I am destined to be a mother.

13. At 18 I was introduced to my best friend. It was totally worth the wait.

14. My passion in life is work with and be around people with special needs. They are the light og my life.

15. I have a new found appreciation for cooking. I caught my stove on fire this year but that hasn't slowed me down.

16. I used to hate broccoli. Now I crave it. Weird huh?

17. I enjoy cleaning now.

18. I have had 3 dogs through my life. All 3 are my favorite dogs ever. I have had countless fish...none were successful under my care. One of which died just a day ago.

19. Pink has ALWAYS been my favorite color.

20. I went to NYC once and I am dying to go back.

21. I have loved every second of ever minute the good Lord has given me. Thank you Jesus.


ashmhendrix said...

haha...this made my day. I LOOOOVE YOU soooo much! HAPPY 21!! :)

ps. teach me to like brocolli (just like you did with lettuce), and can we pleeeeeaaasse go to NYC together one of these days. (I know you're already shaking your head yes) :)
pss..thanks for being my best. so unbelieveably blessed.