Saturday, February 14, 2009


The V stands for VALIENT.

Thats right. This Valentines weekend we took the kids to Memphis (see that post down there) and it didn't go as planned. Our kids slept through service and just broke our hearts. They didn't care about what God was or could be doing.

But that didn't stop God from moving. He took a hold of my heart and refused to let go. And I certainly didn't want Him to.

As Francis Chan spoke, I was awe struck at how beautiful and glorious our God it. He spoke from Revelation 4 where God is described and for the first time ever I got a mental image that broke the mold.

Diamond and Rubys. Thumder and Lightning. Fire. 4 angels screaming His praises.

Thats now how I see my Lord.

And in the midst of all of that, I could really picture the sacrifice that was made just for me.

For Jesus to leave the throne in all this majesty to come and DIE for me. Words can't describe.

So valient is what the V stands for. Heroic. My savior is mighty to save and thats just what He did. What a love.

As couples go out tonight and focus on each other I just want to bask in the arms of the Prince who will never forsake me. May I be the bride that He longs for. He can have anyone but I want Him to want me.

And He does.

Thats what the V stands for. Valient. He is my hero today, tomorrow, forever.


ashmhendrix said...

Oh now this was just wonderful. Oh man..if I never get my "prince charming," life will still be soooo precious because I have Jesus, and He is all I need. How sweet a thought. We are loved by our creator. I could just about shout. Praise Him.

love you!