Saturday, January 29, 2011

A List...

I have made a list to compile all the random things that I have in my head. You are welcome. 

1. I have been sick for a whole week. It led to 2 days of sick leave from school which I had to be convinced to take. I hate missing work. It was diagnosed as bronchitis that developed after I had a virus. My throat really hurts. 

2. Me and N had a fight this past week. It was bitter sweet. I hate to argue with him, but we got a lot of things worked out that we didn't know needed to be. 233 days into this thing and I am thinking that we are going to make it. Not that I ever doubted it. 

3. Speaking of N-I talked him into making my very own collage. He was skeptical but did it anyways. I think it turned out pretty nice. Except for all the blank spaces in my house that that stuff once was. Oh well, I will just have to go shopping to fill those places. Just don't tell N. 

One of the items on this wall might have been a wedding gift that got painted
because it was ugly totally not my style.  
But I'm not telling! 

4. As I type this my dog is sawing logs in her sleep. Sheesh. Can't a girl get some peace and quiet around this.

5. The Lord has laid sponsorship on my heart. Again. No again, again. Because we already have 2 sponsor babies. They are boys and absolutely beautiful in my eyes. One day I hope that I will get to meet them. If not here on the Earth then in the presence of sweet Jesus. But if we do sponsor again, I want a girl. 2 boys and a girl. Doesn't that sound like the perfect little family. In the family of God. That brings me to #6. 

6. At our previous church we sang a little ditty and it went a something like this...

I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God.
I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by the blood. 
Join heirs with Jesus, as we travel this sod. 
For I'm part of the family, the family of God.  

If that song could earn me crown in heaven, I would be a rich girl. NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa (That's for you Kelly.) ((I know you are reading this.)) (((You can't deny it.)))

7. I just laughed so hard I started coughing, and I think I might have lost a lung. 

8. Speaking of babies, wait, what? Oh, oh well. I have baby fever again. What's new? But I have come up with a Baby Bucket List. In my head there is a list of things that I want to do before we have children. I think I am trying to trick myself into waiting to have lots of little ones. On the list there are things like go to Washington D.C with N. Start and hopefully finish grad school. Save $5,000 or more. Learn to sew baby clothes. Be in a situation that I could quit my job if I wanted to. There are many more but I won't bore you with those. 

9. Recently we went to a Memphis Grizzlies game. We got on StubHub the day of the game and found an awesome deal on some seats. We couldn't resist so we called up some people to join us and we were off. The awesome part is that Tenth Avenue North was giving a concert when the game was over. 

We had good seats. Nuff said.

10. During the game, the friend who went with us noticed that the lone guy sitting on the row behind us looked like the lead singer from T.A.N. So I did what any normal person would do. I got out my phone, googled them, and awkardly held my phone up to compare the face behind me to the face on my phone. Sure enough, it was a match. Don't worry though-I stayed calm and collected the whole time. Ok, who am I kidding. I begged the guys (N and our friend) to strike up a conversation (which they did) and we (me and N's sister) got a picture with them. Amen and amen. 

Someone forget to tell me that I look ridiculous and that I am the size of a cow. 
Some friends I have. 

11. Since we are on the topic of cows, I will delightfully tell you that this cow is on her way to becoming a, ummmmmm, well I don't think I would like to pick the name of a smaller animal to put here....chick, ostrich, flamingo, nor bald eagle sound good. So I will just say that I have successfully been on Weight Watchers for 2 weeks and I have lost 8 pounds. Can I get a hallelujah? AMEN. (That's also for you Kelly. You can thank me later ;) )

12. The more I teach and become a member of the Real World Club I regret not appreciating nor taking advantage of my college years. I like teaching, but I don't think its what I am made to do. Special Ed? Yes. 100% yes. Teach at a school? Probably not. Too many rules and rule breakers. Have I told you that I love to follow any and all rules that are given to me. I have a very active conscious, and I have trouble sleeping at night when I know others are not following the rules. It gives me the chills.

13. I have very cute puppies. They are helping with #8. But,  every time I wake up to presents on the floor from the smallest in age and size in our clan, I think twice about my journey to motherhood. But I am sure my child's poop will be cuter than my dogs. 

14. And since this list has been pathetic enough to include the word poop, I will end it here. You are welcome. Because #15 would have included the words mucus, toilet, and medicine. Again, you are welcome. 


Alison Mayes said...

I like a random post too. I can follow along better!