Sunday, August 28, 2011

31 weeks

I am 31 weeks this week!

Only 9 more to go!

31 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 31 weeks

Size of baby: Baby Russell is the size of 4 navel oranges. That is about 3 1/2 pounds and about 16 inches long.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am ashamed to say that I have gained 20 pounds. I wonder daily how I will ever look normal again!

Maternity Clothes: Most everything that I wear is maternity. And I am so ready to go back to my old clothes so I will have more options.

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Movement: This little guy moves all the time. And if hiccups count as movement, then we’ve got it.

What I miss: I miss feeling attractive and normal. I am starting to believe what I hear and am feeling like a cow these days. But I just keep telling myself that this is about growing a healthy baby boy, not looking or feeling normal.

Cravings: ICE!

Symptoms: Indigestion, exhaustion, and Restless Leg Syndrome. I can’t get comfortable at night due to my legs taking on a life of their own!

Best Moment this week: Getting a changing table! And setting a date for our baby shower! It is getting real people!


Hello Munchkin,

This week my principal asked me about maternity leave and I got to tell her that I probably wasn’t coming back to work until January! (That is if you stay put until your due date!) It was so fun telling her that I was going to get two whole months with you, and baby boy, those two months are going to be bliss! I can’t wait to cuddle you all day every day- and your daddy is getting very excited himself. We are on pins and needles about you.

Squealing with excitement,



Lauren said...

this is precious, whitney! Do not for one minute believe that you are not beautiful! Pregnant women are ADORABLE! Can't wait to meet little man!