Saturday, April 7, 2012

Crawfish Boil

We had a crawfish boil last weekend to celebrate Nathan's big 2-5 and to commemorate the end of a tough chapter in our lives. We had a blast.

Camden hung out in the swing for a little while while the party got started. 

Camden broke out the fedora to celebrate in style. 

This was the first batch of crawfish. 70 pounds, mushrooms, potatoes, and some corn later...we were stuffed. 

My grand parents drove in from Louisiana to help us celebrate. I can't imagine a crawfish boil without them. 

The Russell's and Geno's also came. The brought the best strawberry cake that has ever graced my lips. 

Thanks to all the family and friends who came and helped us honor the best guy around. Nathan, you are fabulous. I am so glad that you are my husband and baby daddy! 5 more you and you will be 30. Woah.


Nicole said...

Seriously. You have the cutest kid ever. I can't even stand it!!!

Whitney said...

Thanks nicole! I don't know if I am just biased or if he is really that cute :)