Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Its been a while since I have posted anything other than pictures and things to do with Camden. And while I love that boy more that anything in this world, he does not define me. 

I have struggled for the past few months with figuring out who I am. I thought and thought and couldn't place my finger on my identity. "Who is Whitney?" I asked myself daily. Was I a teacher? A wife? A mother? A housekeeper? A youth minister's wife? 

Who was I?

And then something happened in our family and my life was turned upside down. (I know I have mentioned this mysterious thing several times and have not explained myself. I promise that one day I will tell you all about it but my feelings aren't healed and I am still praying for forgiveness toward others and until I find that, I have to keep it private-without outside influences.) I was not just upside down but inside out and every which-a-way possible. I had nothing to cling to. I could control nothing. And it was in that moment that I realized that I needed to cling to the Lord. The one who had been holding me waiting on me to realize who I was. I was a child of God. 

I was His daughter. Who cared if I was good at being a mother or a wife in that moment. All I could focus on was being known as His. Because He was the only one who could take care of all my needs. He didn't care if I was good enough at what I did. He didn't care if I made the bed or taught the correct material. He only cared that I was His and He was mine. 

What a feeling it was to know who I was. Who I am

Where is your identity found. In whom is it found in?


Shauna said...

Amen! How easy it is to forget Whose we are!! Love and miss you girl... hopefully we can get together this summer...

Clara Gregg said...

"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -Galatians 3:26,28

A similar realization has occurred in my life recently. What a great moment it is when we realize we are His children! Praying for you and your beautiful family, Whitney. Let Brandon and I know if you need anything, especially prayers.

Erin James said...

Amen sister! This is such a good reminder, needed to hear this today. I just found your blog on the feature Nicole did on Bloom :) Excited to read more and follow along, you have a beautiful heart and family!

