Sunday, April 8, 2012


Jesus, thank you for everything you did all those years ago. Thank you for the cross and for choosing to suffer on my behalf. On my husbands behalf. On my son's behalf. And this Easter Lord, I am even more appreciative. I can't imagine the decision you made to let you boy come and be given to the wolves just so you could know me more. Am I really worth it? Beyond all the sin and scum in my life I am so thankful that you saw something valuable in me. Thank you for showing me what love is. And not just love for those who love me back but love for those who I don't want to love. Those who don't want to be loved. Because of your ultimate display of love and affection for your people, I have an understanding of what it is to do something I don't want to do in that moment, but I know in the long run it will be worth it. 

This Easter, Lord, I praise you. Your name is wonderful, and your presence is warm. Stay ever present Sweet Jesus. This world is a rough place and we need you more than ever. 

Thank you for the cross. And for taking all of my sin upon your shoulders. I still can't believe I was worth it.