Friday, July 31, 2009

I have issues...

Major Major Money Issues!!!

I am not going to spill all the detail about it because for 1. its rather embarassing and for 2. its too heart breaking to write.

But here it is...they say the first step to recovery is admittance right? Well you can get it here first people...I admit I have a problem spending money. And when I spend I can't ever keep track of it.

You know those little books that you can get at the bank to write all your transactions on? Yea well to me those are just space fillers in a wallet. I don't have the self-discipline to write what I spend and then subtract it from the previos balance.

I don't even think that Dave Ramsey could help me...besides I couldn't afford to buy one of his books right now.

Please pray. I'd pay you to throw one up for me... but you know, thats not happeing.


Lauren said...

Praying for you! A lot of churches offer the Dave Ramsey classes for free... you might check in your area...until then I will be lifting you up to the Lord...

ashmhendrix said...

You know balancing and saving are two of my favorite things :) praying. I'm totally living with you AGAIN in a few days!!!!!