Thursday, June 2, 2011

19 weeks

I am 19 weeks this week!

19 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Size of baby: Baby Russell is the size of a mango! In layman’s terms he is about 6 1/2  inches long, and today at the doctor he weighed in at a whopping 11 ounces.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained 5 pounds! I am not wasting any time making up for all those months I spent sick.

Maternity Clothes: I love dresses these days with this heat and would rather wear those instead of anything maternity. They are just so cool and comfy.

Gender: It’s a boy!

Movement: oh yea! Baby Love moves almost every time I sit down. He still isn’t moving or kicking hard enough that others can feel it, but I am ok hogging all the kicks to myself for now!

What I miss: I miss being comfy. I know I have a while to go (21 weeks to be exact) but I get very uncomfortable very quickly. I am finding it harder and harder to sleep sound all through the night because my big fat belly pulls down and it hurts!

Cravings: I have a mad desire for all things Starkville. One day I want to go there and have City Bagel for breakfast, The Veranda for lunch, and Mugshots for supper. I would be one happy girl!

Symptoms: Right now I am on antibiotics for what we are hoping is a urinary tract infection! I just can’t catch a break! Today I went in for our big ultrasound and when the tech noticed I was in pain she had me seen by my doctor. After other procedures and more pain, we are hoping that antibiotics will cure this and everything will be a-ok. If not, more testing we will do!

Best Moment this week: Seeing my love bug on the screen. We got to look at the arteries in his heart, see him swallowing, and moving around in his comfy home. I could just stare at him all day.

Would you like to see him too?

Camden 19 weeks 3 days

Now isn’t that the cutest face you ever did see?! At the moment the picture was taken, he swallowed therefore his mouth is open. But oh that adorable profile. I still can’t believe that he is inside me. So perfect he is. To this mama anyway!

Hello Baby Boy,

I am so glad that the Lord chose me to be your momma. You have introduced me to a kind of love that I never knew before you. And seeing you today on that screen, you wrapped yourself a little tighter around every finger on my hands. (I think you did your daddy the same way.) You dad is so sweet in the ultrasound room…he always is so quiet and just takes in every minute that he gets to spend with you-even if it is over a screen. We love you little one and we pray for you daily. I love that you are a part of our prayer lives now. Hang tight baby-we are almost half way to meeting each other!

One happy girl,
