Thursday, June 23, 2011

New furnishings

While I was at the beach with my family, N was at home because he had a youth camp to attend.

I got a call one day from a dear friend who said that one of our favorite stores {Dirt Cheap} was loaded with baby stuff, and that we needed to check it out.

I couldn’t because, well, I was miles away. But N could!

::inner thoughts::  I’ll send him. No he hates baby stuff. Well not hates, but he doesn’t seem to get as excited about it as I do::

So he did what any clueless male who was being begged by his wife to go look at baby stuff alone would do-he called his family to join!

And they did!

He and his mom, dad, and sister dug and dug until they found something that they thought that I would like. Thanks Russells!

N successfully left the store with a high chair and a bassinet for Baby Camden.

{That’s his name by the way.}

And when I got home from Florida, we immediately set them up. Not that they will have any occupants for at least another 4 months! But how could I resist-they are adorable and were begging for some loving adoration.



The high chair is sitting in the corner of our dining room and yes, I’m pathetic, the bassinet is already in our room where it will be until Cam-man is ready to be snuggled in it right next to my side of the bed. Oh I can’t wait!


Caitlin said...

Those are so precious! I just love reading your posts because your excitement just oozes out, it's so sweet!

Lauren said...

Ahh! I love them! He did a GREAT job! I love his name! He is such a lucky baby, (already)!

Nicole said...

Camden has always been one of my favorites. I know he'll be the cutest!